Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"Fall is here, hear the yell...

...back to school, ring the bell.
Brand new shoes, walking blues.
Climb the fence, books and pens.
I can tell that we are going to be friends."
-We're Going to Be Friends-The White Stripes

I started school today. Weird, I know. But, before I talk about that...vintage shopping! My mom and I ran to ReThreads in Milwaukee on Saturday and I found a few great pieces.

Those cowboy boots are rubber. I'm amazed how convincing they are. Not something I'd wear all the time (sweaty feet are gross), but they'll make fantastic rain(or light snow)boots!

This is a tee from the Alterra down the street. I'm in love with their coffee, their cafes, and this shirt. Unfortunately, someone put a men's shirt in the women's stack, so I have to exchange it.

This dress does not photograph well, so here's a preview. I'm loving the minimally asymmetrical collar on it.

I love this cute little skirt, and it was brand new!

On to my first day of school! It was good, relative uneventful. AP Psych seems really fascinating, and I'm looking forward to learn things that can apply to everyday life. My AP English teacher seems both fun and not afraid to discuss any topic related to our books (something that became a big gripe about English last year for me). The new Orchestra director seems friendly and open to working with us on keeping tradition for the concerts. German 5 is going to be crazy because there's 3 and 4 in the same class, but I'm excited to do real literature rather than the textbook. AP Economics seems interesting (we did two chapters over the summer) and the teacher is hilarious. I'm not sure what Honors Pre-Calc is going to be like, but the teacher is new and seems to be having trouble treating us like we're an honors class. Trends is my gym class, and it's more yoga/body pump/pilates oriented, which is great because I'll actually use it for life. All I need to do is get my photo independent study and my schedule will be fantastic!

However, it is a bit of a shock coming back and realizing how annoying a lot of people are. Isn't it unfortunate that 85% of the most outspoken people in class are the least intelligent? That's going to get old really fast, especially in classes like AP Econ and AP English where we're trying to discuss politics. We'll see how it goes, I guess.

Top-Charlotte Russe. Sweater-Target, from when I was a kid. Bracelet and earrings-Target. Skinny jeans-Kohl's. Flats-Target. (I'll have to take a picture of the flats soon because they are super cute.)

1 comment:

Nicki said...

Ha, too true. There's always at least one of those in every class!