Saturday, July 11, 2009

Costumes, Jewelry, and Crepes

Hey look! Crazy, ghost, poofy awesomeness! (Awkward posing!) The blouse is a lot poofier in real life. I'll have to take a picture of the broach, too.
This is the watch-necklace I bought thrifting a few weeks ago. It's so beautiful, and it actually works. (Though it's really loud and makes things weird when everything else is quiet.)

On to my week...I started driver's ed, something I'd been putting off for quite a while. The class is pretty boring, but I know it's important and I'm excited to drive. I won't actually drive that often, but walking isn't really an option when it's dark out. I also got my temps, so I went driving once. I didn't crash, but I have a long way to go before I can get out of the parking lot...

Other than that (and working on the movie), I've been working a lot. I started to intern for Organizing for America, so I'm doing a lot of calling people/spreadsheets/going through papers. The work isn't that fun, but overall it's so inspiring. I'm really excited to do it!

On Thursday, I went down to Milwaukee again. The Alterra on the lakefront does a mini Florentine Opera once a month, so we went to that for an hour or so. Then we headed to Cathedral Square Park for...
BASTILLE DAYS! It's a lovely little East Side French festival with great food and a lot of impromptu street performers. (And a miniature Eiffel Tower.)
These guys were spray painting this mural of the Storming of the Bastille.
CREPE CREPE CREPE. Mmmmmm. My favorite part.
Oh look, an outfit! There's that skirt!
Skirt-Summerfest. Shirt-H&M. Earrings & Bracelet-Target. Necklace-Vintage. Purse-Orla Kiley from my mom's friend.
A little story behind the purse. My mom's friend has the greatest sense of style of anyone I've met. She has a ton of purses, and that much closet space, so she brought a bunch to work for the taking. My mom snatched up this fantastic little bag for me, and it's one of the cutest purses I own. Thanks!

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