Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Exam Week

Life has been a balance of the positives and the negatives lately, and I feel like they're stretching further to the extremes of each one. Some fantastic things have happened lately; I figured out a way to compete in Visual Arts Classic and Academic Decathlon! (It's going to be a lot of work, but I'll hold that though until the next paragraph.) Also, I got into Lawrence with a $10,500 scholarship, and Beloit gave me a $10,000 scholarship! I'm so grateful. I was worried about the cost of private schools, both because of the burden on my parents and the student loans I'll be paying off later on, but it's beginning to become manageable.

What hasn't been manageable lately, however, is my time. (It's really bad that I'm blogging right now, but today is the first day I got to go home right after school in quite a while.) I have Visual Arts Classic, which involves meetings, research, and working on my photos; meetings and tons of reading for Academic Decathlon; writing and meetings for newspaper (we really need to get on that); pit rehearsals for Thoroughly Modern Millie are currently twice a week, but will bump up to 5-6 days a week pretty soon; I'm writing a 15-page paper for my senior AP English project; and on top of that, I have normal homework and a job.

I'm so busy, I don't even have enough time to write about my work predicament. Great.

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