Saturday, November 21, 2009

I see a sea anemone the enemy see a sea anemone and that'll be the end of me.

I'm having major "stuff" love right now. I go a few weeks without much attachment to any of my possessions, and then it suddenly returns. I think this bag started it.

It's a Le Sportsac; it has well-dressed, world-traveling bunnies on it; and it is amazing. My mom's friend brought it back for me from Hong Kong and I appreciate it so much. :)

I also went to ReThreads today after our children's orchestra concert. (It's essentially the first week of Christmas, so we do a Christmas sing-along/arts and crafts/Santa/cookies kind of thing.) I scored this little hat...

...and this jacket. Look!

I'm in love with it. It's absolutely tiny, and I found it in the men's section. I imagine Rudy as being about 5'1". He smokes all the time, is really thin, and is tough. I love this jacket so much. Thank you, Rudy, whoever you are.
These jeans fit perfectly and are kind of dressy, which I like.
Okay, these aren't from ReThreads (I wish I could find patterned Doc Martens around); I've actually had them since seventh grade. I just wanted to share them with you because it's getting to be Doc Martens season again and I'm looking forward to wearing them.

(Oh, and the weird post title is Andrew Bird. Witty alliteration, whistling, and violin playing; YES.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great finds! and i looovee the bag at the beginning, world traveling bunny's=epic win!