Thursday, June 18, 2009


Hi there. I'm Renée, and this is my blog. I'm starting it for a few different reasons:
  1. Improve my style. I'm mostly a jeans and a t-shirt girl. I love skirts, but don't own very many because I play cello. This won't be as much of an issue in college, but as a high school student, I have to show up to orchestra every day. I have weekends and summer to wear skirts and dresses, so I'm going to focus on that these next few months.
  2. Love life. It's not that I don't, but having an outlet to write about the small things that I enjoy and share photographs of things that make me smile will hopefully make me further appreciate everything I have in life.
  3. Be heard. I love politics and I'm a really opinionated person, but my friends can only take so much of me talking about politics. I plan on discussing social issues I find important and sharing ways to become politically active.
That's about it for now, and I'm really looking forward to this. Feel free to share your blog with me, if you do have one!

Shine on,

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